

Governance Operations

We strictly follow the provisions and requirements of the Company Law, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings to ensure the effective operation of the board of directors and special committees, standardize the convening of shareholders' meetings, treat all shareholders equally, and jointly decide on the company's business plans and investment plans.

As the core of the company's governance structure, the company's board of directors is responsible for participating in and deciding all major matters related to the company's operational affairs, such as policy affairs, strategies, budgets, internal controls and risk management. The company has issued and implemented the "Independent Director Work System" to clarify the duties, independence, nomination, election and replacement, duties and performance methods, and obligations of independent directors.

The Nominating Committee of the company's Board of Directors has formulated a policy on board diversity. This policy ensures that board members possess diversified backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, thereby enhancing the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of decision-making. The Nominating Committee considers board diversity from multiple dimensions, including but not limited to gender, age, nationality, race, cultural background, in addition to educational background, professional experience, skills, knowledge, and length of service.
