
Trina Solar Europe and Covid-19: Your safety is our top concern

The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting most European countries, and we would like to inform you of Trina Solar’s containment actions during this unprecedented time.

First and foremost, the health of our employees, our partners and suppliers and their respective families are our number one priority. Trina Solar has made pandemic control a priority since January, established emergency response groups immediately to coordinate the entire company from top to bottom, and taken numerous measures to counter its spread by all means possible. We have also implemented very restrictive travel travel guidelines early on.

From the start of this epidemic, Trina Solar Europe initiated a mandatory 14-day isolation for employees returning from China or having been exposed to individuals potentially at risk. Since two weeks, our European employees have been working from home as a safety precaution and following local regulations. We have strictly implemented local governmental orders of home isolation.

Despite being confined indoors, all of Trina Solar’s European employees continue to work and are available for business.  Should you need any new product or enquire on deliveries, please call or email  your Trina contact and we will be happy to help you.  Although not exactly “business as usual”, we will try to keep as much normality as this completely unprecedented situation allows. 

From a supply perspective, Trina Solar’s factories continued to operate during Chinese New Year and during the Coronavirus outbreak, albeit at a reduced capacity. Through this period and until today, we were blessed that no Trina employee caught the disease. However some component suppliers were affected by lack of staff and could not produce as much as they initially planned. Also, vessels were delayed. This had and will have a ripple effect globally. Rest assured that we are constantly communicating with our suppliers to get informed of pandemic control and production status.

We believe our global manufacturing and logistics capabilities will keep us well positioned to work through these challenges. Moreover we have developed contingency plans in order to guarantee the continuity of the delivery of our products and services, as well as to ensure the highest standards are maintained. We are closely monitoring the correct development of each and every project to determine any potential impacts. 

While the Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the market to some degree in the short term, we are optimistic that the outbreak will be effectively contained. We will continue to communicate with transparency and act courageously and responsibly. Trina Solar stands side by side with our highly valued partners and suppliers, and is ever ready to help as we move through this difficult period together. Trina Solar Headquarters as well as Trina Solar Europe will continue to work hard to avoid or minimize any impact on our customers from the Covid-19 outbreak. Should there be any issue, we will communicate with you immediately.

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