
    Solar provides cost-saving alternative for colleges and universities

    Universities have a lot of energy needs. From facilities like libraries and gyms that need to remain well-lit and open for extended hours, to multiple computer labs, to simply providing electricity for hundreds of students who live in on-campus housing, the total electrical consumption can be expensive and create a massive carbon footprint.</p>

    United States

    How to strengthen the ROI of utility-scale solar

    Solar power generation is growing rapidly in the U.S. According to a report from&nbsp;GTM&nbsp;Research, the U.S. solar market will reach an impressive 13.2&nbsp;gigawatts of solar energy in 2017. &nbsp;The utility sector is expected to account for 66 percent of installations this year.</p>

    United States

    Using solar power as an investment vehicle

    Solar power offers many different benefits for almost everyone, from lowered energy costs to a reduction in a carbon footprint. In addition to these advantages to using solar, this energy source also works as a great investment vehicle. For many individuals, companies and groups that opt to go solar, a significant return on investment can be gained by using this clean, renewable energy source.</p>

    There are several ways to take advantage of the investment opportunities created with solar power.</p>

    United States

    The solar power procurement journey

    Solar power is all the rage nowadays and many government agencies and other public sector entities are scrambling to find out how they too can cut energy costs, reduce emissions and contribute to building a more sustainable planet. As stable institutions with a steady revenue stream from taxes, along with the ability to issue generally high-rated bonds to fund utility projects, local municipalities and government agencies occupy a great position to take advantage of solar power procurement projects.</p>

    United States

    How can you evaluate a company's bankability?

    For consumers investing in solar technology either through a residential, commercial or&nbsp;utility scale solar&nbsp;project, accessing a solar manufacturer's bankability can be a valuable tool in determining the performance, reliability and durability of its systems.</p>

    United States

    Solar's ROI potential for homes and businesses

    The economic&nbsp;benefits of solar energy&nbsp;are becoming increasingly apparent as innovations in technology make photovoltaic systems more affordable while government programs also offer additional incentives for private and commercial investment in renewable technology.</p>

    United States

